SOC Members

We have constituted a very interdisciplinary and well represented SOC with members among all the IAU Divisions, as well as representatives from national and international organizations related to the topic.

Hereby is a list of the SOC members with their respective positions and affiliations:

  • Gonzalo Tancredi – Ex-Pres. Div. F – Depto. Astronomia, UdelaR, Uruguay (Chair)
  • Daniel Hestroffer – Pres. Div. A – IMCCE  –  Observatoire de Paris, France
  • Isabelle Grenier – Pres. Div. D – CEA Saclay, AIM, Service d’Astrophysique, France
  • Pete Riley – Representative of Div. E – Predictive Science, San Diego, California, United States
  • Andrew Fruchter – Representative of Div. G -Space Telescope Science Institute, United States
  • Denis Burgarella – Ex-Pres. Div. J – Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille,  Aix-Marseille Universite, France
  • Doris Daou – Representative of NASA Planetary Defense Coordination Office – NASA HQ, United States
  • Detlef Koschny – Representative of ESA Planetary Defence Office – ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
  • Romana Kofler –  Representative of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
  • Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy – Director of International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) – Solar Physics Laboratory, NASA/GSFC
  • Paul Gabor S.J. – ViceDirector Vatican Observatory, Vatican State
  • Francisco O’Reilly – Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay (philosopher)

Coordinating Division:
F: Planetary systems and Astrobiology
Other participating divisions:
A: Fundamental Astronomy
D: High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics
E: Sun and Heliosphere
G: Stars and Stellar Physics
J: Galaxies and Cosmology

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